The feasibility of application
If the conventional standard sumps are widely used, then why do you need magnetic sludge removal devices (MSRD)? The standard sump works only within the first 2-3 days after the start of thermal system. At all other times of operation it is useless.
But the corrosion process takes place continuously during operation of the thermal system. Corrosion products (magnetic sludge) are involved in the formation of crustose deposits in pipes and heating surfaces of thermal system.
As a result, during the heating season the efficiency index of heating and hot water supply are significantly reduced:
— Operating life time of boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, valves and control fittins are reduced by several times;
— From time to time it is necessary to emergency stop of system for cleaning the heating equipment from deposits.
— Due to low temperature of heating radiators and permanent emergency stops of system the Consumer’s comfort is reduced.
— It’s a fact of overrun significant financial resources of the heat producer due to consuming more volume of gas.
As the result — the heat producer is forced to pass all these additional costs into the tariff and the consumer is not willing to pay for poor quality, but very expensive heat in his home.
The closed circle…
What happens in the case of use magnetic sludge removal devices MSRD instead of standard sumps?
1. Water passing through the magnetic system of MSRD dramatically slows down flow speed, and all fractions of the magnetic sludge are cuptured on magnets of MSRD (particle size from 0.5 microns). .
2. After passing through the MSRD water gets magnetic properties and within one heating season washes away the old deposits from the pipe, and it is almost cleaning completely.
3. After cleaning the system from deposits the protective oxide film is formed on the inner surfaces of the pipe, which prevents the further formation of new deposits. Thus, structurally the SMRD includes:
— magnetic filter (precipitates on their magnets magnetic sludge );
— magnitizer (magnets magnetize the water in the system);
— sump (the presence of sludge chamber);;
— Screen (sediment) filter (precipitates on the grid suspended solids sludge particles). As a result, the application of the SMRD allows you to clean the system completely from deposits and operate it with maximum efficiency index. Sump and magnetic sludge removal devices are used in water rotation cycle, and in heating systems for cleaning from older sediments of boilers, heat exchangers, pipes and radiators, as well as to protect the equipment from the formation of new deposits . Experience in operating sump, magnetic sludge removal, magnetic sludge separators, water clarifiers and similar magnetic filters in Ukraine has more than 10 years, in Europe for more than 25 years, in Russia for more than 14 years. This experience suggests a high efficiency and reliability of sump and magnetic sludge removal devices.
The sludge removal device — type SRD:
• The SRD consists of a sump and a sediment (screen) filter.
• The SRD captures the sludge particles with size from 200 microns.
• The SRD is reliable, easy to use, require no costs of electricity and reagents, environmentally safety.
The magnetic sludge removal device — type MSRD:
• The MSRD consists of a sump, a magnetic filter, a magnitizer and a sediment (screen) filter.
• The MSRD captures on its magnets the magnetic sludge particles with size from 0,5 microns.
• The MSRD magnetizes water in the system that allows to wash away the old deposits from the pipe almost cleaning completely, and to prevent formation of new deposits.
• The MSRD is reliable, easy to use, require no costs of electricity and reagents, environmentally safety.
Structural differences between the SRD and the MSRD:
• The SRD consists of a sump and a sediment (screen) filter.
• The MSRD consists of a sump, a magnetic filter, a magnitizer and a sediment (screen) filter.
• The design of the SRD provides for the possibility of installation of magnetic insert, that allows reconstruction of the SRD to the MSRD in the future.
Performance of the SRD and the MSRD:
- Objective sump — OISm type with capacity of 1-265 m3/hr
- Network sump — MOS type with capacity of 26-7700 m3/hr.
As additional options are proposed:
- the body cover lifting device;
- the MSRD washer device.
Use of these devices allows the follows:
- to lift the body cover with side shifting;
- to flush the MSRD without disassembly, which significantly reduces time and complexity of service.
Serial production of the SRD and the MSRD.
This equipment is a serial, and it is designed on the basis of design documentation in accordance with the requirements of normative documents of Ukraine.
Custom production of magnetic sludge removal devices.
At the request of the Customer our company shall provide design, supply, installation (supervision) and commissioning of the custom sumps as the SRD as well the MSRD types, allowing for the dimensions of the previously installed sump equpment. This can greatly minimize the cost of reconstruction of existed sump complexes.
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